Lavender for All Occasions
For Your Landscape
Lavender for your garden
For Your Landscape
Many Stone Cottage selections are great for gardening.
For Your Patio
Lavender for your patio containers
For Your Patio
Use Stone Cottage Lavender for your porch or patio pots.
For Your Cutflowers
Lavender for you cutflower arrangements
For Your Cutflowers
All Stone Cottage Lavender selections work great as fresh or dried cutflowers.
For Your Kitchen
Lavender for herbs and oils
For Your Kitchen
Utilize Stone Cottage Lavender as an herb or essential oil.
About Stone Cottage Farm™
Lavender is such a popular perennial that it deserves its own dedicated line of plants. Whether they be hardy varieties or not, a few things always ring true with Lavender:
- They're always beautiful!
- They're always a great addition to sunny spots across the country!
- You can always use a few more!
With these points in mind, take a moment to explore our website and visit an independent garden center near you to ask for Stone Cottage Farm™ Lavender.